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Applying for a Child's Passport

There are some extra requirements to obtain a child's passport that adults do not have to meet. The object of these requirements are to guarantee the safety of the child against abduction and trafficking. As a parent, I believe that the extra work is worth it if it prevents harm to other children. To minimize the potential for problems, you should begin the application process as early as possible and pay attention to details. Click here if you need to expedite your passport.

Child's Passport Requirements

For children under ages 15 or younger, you need to provide both proof of citizenship and proof of relationship.

To prove the child's relationship to the applying partent(s) or guardian(s), you must submit one of the following.

  • Certified U.S. birth certificate (with parents' names); or
  • Certified Foreign Birth Certificate (with parents' names and translation, if necessary); or
  • Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240) (with parents' names); or
  • Certification of Birth Abroad ( Form DS-1350) (with parents' names); or
  • Adoption Decree ( with adopting parents' names); or
  • Court Order Establishing Custody; or
  • Court Order Establishing Guardianship.

You also need to take a photo ID such as your own passport or drivers license, Passport Application Form DS-11 filled out but not signed, two passport photos of each child and payment.

You will have at least three fees - the Passport Application Fee, the Execution Fee and the Security surcharge.

For children age 16 or older, the passport fee is $110 and the execution fee is $25. The total is $135.

For children under age 16, the passport fee is $80 and the execution fee is $25. The total is $105.

An expediting fee of $60 must also be paid to the U.S. Department of State if you want to get the passport in about 2 to 3 weeks.

NOTE: Both parents must appear together and sign or one parent appears, signs and submits second parent's notarized Statement of Consent, Form DS-3053.

Child Passport FAQ

Is a child's passport necessary?

Yes. Your child will need a passport. Each individual must possess his/her own passport independent of age.

What is the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP)?

Separate from the Two-Parent Consent requirement for U.S. passport issuance for minors under the age of 14, parents may also request that their children's names be entered in the U.S. passport name-check system. The Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program provides:

  • Notification to parents of passport applications made on behalf of minor children, and
  • Denial of passport issuance if appropriate court orders are on file with CPIAP.
  • For more information, contact the Office of Children's Issues at 202-736-7000, or, by fax at 202-312-9743.

My child is too young to sign his/her own passport. How do I sign it?

In the space provided for the signature, the mother or father must print the child's name and sign their own name. Then, in parenthesis by the parent's name, write the word (mother) or (father).

What is the validity of a child's passport?

10 years (if 16 or older at issuance)
5 years (if 15 or younger at issuance)

If you need to get your passport fast and want to apply online to have it expedited, visit Rush My Passport.