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How to Replace a Lost Passport

Losing a passport frustrating, even more so if your departure date is close. You can replace a lost passport much in the same way you acquire a new one. The only difference is that you will need to report the loss and fill out an extra form. The same is true if your passport was stolen. Unfortunately, this requires a personal appearance at an application acceptance facility. Click here if you need to expedite your passport.

Steps to Replacing a Lost Passport

The steps to replace a stolen or lost passport are as follows:

Complete Application for New Passport, Form DS-11

On question #18, you need to write your name as it appeared in your passport and the date of issue. Give the passport number if known.

Click here to download passport application Form DS-11. (Right click + "Save as")

Complete Statement Regarding Stolen or Lost Passport, Form DS-64

You should fill out this form only if your lost passport is still valid. Answer as many questions that you can with as much detail as you can.

Click here to download Form DS-64, Statement Regarding Stolen or Lost Passport.

Present your forms in person to an acceptance agent.

Along with the two forms above, you will need to take the following items to the acceptance agent in order to replace a lost passport. There are over 7,000 passport offices throughout the United States.

The U.S. Department of State Passport Service claims to process passport in 6 weeks for regular service and in 2 weeks for expedited service. Neither are guaranteed.

If you want to replace your passport quickly, you need to contract a Passport Expediting Service.

The first step to replace a lost U.S. passport abroad is to contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate for assistance. You will then go through the steps above with their assistance.

If you need to get your passport fast and want to apply online to have it expedited, visit Rush My Passport.